ACM483T-A Precision Chilled Mirror Dew Point Meter

ACM483T-A precision dew point hygrometer based on the principle of optical chilled mirror, it is a temperature and humidity measurement instrument. This principle is distinguished from indirect measurement of humidity through changes in capacitance and resistance, it directly measures according to the definition of humidity/dew point.

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ACM483T-A precision dew point hygrometer is a temperature and humidity measurement instrument based on the principle of the optical chilled mirror. This principle is distinguished from the indirect measurement of humidity through changes in capacitance and resistance. It directly measures according to the definition of humidity/dew point.

There are many humidity measuring instruments, such as chilled mirror type, total absorption electrolytic type, film capacitive type, resistive type, dry and wet bulb type, and mechanical type. The absorption electrolytic dew point hygrometer is generally used to measure the low humidity range in the industry. In contrast, resistance, wet and dry bulbs, and mechanical hygrometers commonly measure relative humidity. Can use chilled mirror dew point hygrometer and film capacitive hygrometer for low, medium, and high humidity measurements.
can use chilled mirror dew point hygrometer and film capacitive hygrometer


Chilled mirror dew point hygrometer directly measures the dew point. The dew point mirror surface is specially treated, stable and durable, and resistant to weak corrosion. At the same time, a stable and precise platinum resistance is used to measure the dew point. The most important thing is that the chilled mirror dew point hygrometer with these characteristics has the advantages of long-term stability, no drift, corrosion resistance, high measurement accuracy, and wide measurement range. So, it is widely used as a reference standard for humidity/dew point measurement in the world.